How I Tried To Return A Skateboard


On Tuesday (September 26), I found a skateboard that someone had left behind at an establishment in downtown Philadelphia. I am not in the habit of taking other people’s stuff, so I wanted not to take the skateboard for myself but instead to make sure it would be returned to the person who forgot it.

At first, I sat down at a table near the skateboard and waited for the owner for about fifteen minutes — what if the person comes back? But, as you already understand, no one came. Then I asked one of the employees if I could give the skateboard to them for safekeeping — unfortunately, I was refused. After that, I decided that I would have to take the skateboard to my house to try to find the owner via the Internet and with the help of the city police.

When I got home, I had an idea. What if I don’t just write the typical posts with the «Found A Skateboard» title and a boring, predictable picture (which is guaranteed to get few views) but instead take a creative approach — not only to get more people to see my posts but also to make it fun for others and myself?

In the beginning, I decided to limit myself to a sexy god cosmic long-haired old man:

Then the cosmic old man was joined by the fashionable Ken from «Barbie» blonde wavebreaker from California:

And then, an elegant Bob Ross guy with luxurious curly hair joined this company — even the skateboard got its own hair:

Friends, do not lose your skateboards in downtown Philadelphia — or I will have to take some fun photos with them before I try to get your stuff back to you!



  1. An image of cosmos is licensed under CC BY 3.0
  2. An image of a surf contest in 2010 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0
  3. An image of City Hall in Philadelphia (USA) is licensed under CC BY 2.0